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Traumatic Brain Injury

Neurotherapy solution for Traume (TBI)

Effective therapy for head trauma & sports injuries

Safe, noninvasive, drug-free

You have probably heard about all the concussions lately in professional sports. Football players are especially vulnerable because of the violence and velocity involved in their sport.

Fortunately, there is new hope for people who experience head trauma and post-concussion syndrome. qEEG Neurotherapy allows us to directly intervene in the central nervous system damage. 


We can help regulate the abnormal brainwave activity associated with symptoms such as headache, memory loss, depression, sensitivity to sound and light, loss of concentration, personality changes, learning difficulties and even seizures.


Studies have shown that qEEG Neurotherapy leads to increased energy and decreased depression and temper outbursts. As treatment progresses, patients experience a decrease in sensitivity to sound and light and improved attention spans. Vascular headaches and dizziness disappear and patients even report increased libido. In one study, 60% of patients also reported that they regained their short-term memory.

Who we are?

White Ink™ is specialized in the most advanced FDA approved BCI tools and software to utilize the technology of future today, in order to design a customized, life-changing treatment protocols for various brain related conditions.


The Dry Sensor Interface (DSI) headsets integrate revolutionary dry electrode technology that acquires clean EEG signals, without the need for skin preparation.

They are faster and more accurate than wet caps, and can identify and target specific Brodmann areas responsible for all brain functions. Revolutionizing neurofeedback, this qEEG brain-computer interface provides powerful results, regulating poorly functioning areas of the brain.

What are the Brainwaves?


At the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviors is the communication between neurons within our brains. Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other.

Brainwaves are detected using sensors placed on the scalp. They are divided into bandwidths to describe their functions, but are best thought of as a continuous spectrum of consciousness; from slow, loud and functional - to fast, subtle, and complex.


It is a handy analogy to think of brainwaves as musical notes - the low frequency waves are like a deeply penetrating drum beat, while the higher frequency brainwaves are more like a subtle high pitched flute. Like a symphony, the higher and lower frequencies link and cohere with each other through harmonics. 


Our brainwaves change according to what we’re doing and feeling. When slower brain waves are dominant we can feel tired, slow, sluggish, or dreamy. The higher frequencies are dominant when we feel wired, or hyper-alert.

Altering our Brainwaves

As rule of thumb, any process that changes our perception, changes our brainwaves.


Traditional Eastern methods, (such as meditation and yoga) train our brainwaves into balance temporarily. Of the newer methods, computer game type brainwave entrainment is a method to temporarily alter our brainwave status. If we are trying to solve a particular difficulty or fine-tune our brainwave function long term, state-of-the-art qEEG Neurotherapy delivers targeted, quick, and long lasting results.     


But why is it possible to train and change our brainwaves? The answer is a phenomenon called Neuroplasticity.

What Is Neuroplasticity?


Our brains are constantly being shaped by experience. Most of us have very different behaviors and thoughts today than we did 20 years ago. This shift is neuroplasticity in action; changes in brain structure and organization as we experience, learn, and adapt.


With every repetition of a thought or emotion, we reinforce a neural pathway - and with each new thought, we begin to create a new way of being. These small changes, frequently enough repeated, lead to changes in how our brains work. 


Neuroplasticity is the 'muscle building' part of the brain; the things we do often we become stronger at, and what we don’t use fades away. That is the physical basis of why making a thought or action over and over again increases its power.

Over time, it becomes automatic; a part of us. We literally become what we think and do.


Neuroplasticity is at work throughout life. Connections within the brain are constantly becoming stronger or weaker, depending on what is being used. Younger people change easily; their brains are very plastic. As we age change doesn't come as easily; the brain loses some of its plasticity and we become more fixed in how we think, learn, and perceive. 


Since the brain is pivotal to all we think and do, by harnessing neuroplasticity we can improve everything we do and think. qEEG Neurotherapy works with these fundamental principles of neuroplasticity to help us take control of our mind. 

What Is qEEG Neurotherapy?

Since we've already learned about the roll Brainwaves play in our life and how neuroplasticity works, we are able to explain why qEEG Neurotherapy is able to reverse brain conditions and mental disorder symptoms.


Using sensors on the scalp, we can measure and monitor brainwave activities. With brain analysis software (QEEG brain map), we can identify what specific activity is giving rise to our symptoms. By the way, qEEG stands for, Quantitative, Electroencephalography.

Once we know the areas of concern, we can create a training plan to help draw our brain into a comfortable, efficient status. That brings us to qEEG Neurotherapy.  


During a qEEG Neurotherapy session, we compare what our brain is actually doing to what we'd like it to be doing. When our brain is nearing a more comfortable state, we are rewarded with a positive response on a computer screen.

Usually this ‘neurofeedback’ is in the form of a video game, music, or movie. 


The sounds and images tell us immediately when our brain approaches a more efficient place and when not. When the movie plays, it is because our brain is approaching the desired state. When the movie stops, it is because our brain is heading the other way. 


Much like physical exercises develop specific muscles, the more our brain is exercised into reaching a more comfortable, more efficient position, the better it gets at it.

 Why? Correct! Because of the Neuroplasticity. As with learning any new skill, it simply requires time and repetition.

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